Headquarters 215.741.1200  |  New Jersey 609.479.9006  |  Harrisburg 717.776.7474  |  Baltimore 410.929.9299


7 Nov 2013

Is your Philadelphia area warehouse protected?

2024-01-15T14:40:02-05:00November 7th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , |

At Assets Protection, we know you have valuable inventory in your Philadelphia warehouse. That is exactly why we offer the comprehensive security services you deserve. Whether your warehouse is in Philadelphia, New Jersey or anywhere in the Delaware Valley, we have you covered with the security you want. From intrusion devices, to fire alarm systems, [...]

23 Oct 2013

Fire protection services

2024-01-15T14:40:02-05:00October 23rd, 2013|Tags: , , , |

A fire is a tragedy that usually strikes when you least expect it. Most of the time it’s caused by carelessness. Outdated fire alarm and alert systems and untrained employees are often overlooked issues because it’s assumed that a fire is a rare occurrence. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Let Assets Protection, Inc. provide [...]