Headquarters 215.741.1200  |  New Jersey 609.479.9006  |  Harrisburg 717.776.7474  |  Baltimore 410.929.9299


17 Apr 2014

The Importance of CCTV in warehouse security

2014-05-13T07:22:21-04:00April 17th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , |

A guard can’t be everywhere at one time, but a well set up network of CCTV’s can. Assets Protection, Inc. specializes in CCTV set up and management. In conjunction with Assets Protection’s security guards, CCTV's can effectively watch and secure your entire warehouse, all of the time. With Assets Protection you have the perfect combination [...]

19 Feb 2014

Williamsport facility security concerns?

2024-01-15T14:40:02-05:00February 19th, 2014|Tags: , , , , |

The Williamsport industrial regions have specific and unique security issues and situations. What better way to deal with them than by using a security agency with knowledge and experience of dealing with those specific situations? Assets Protection, Inc. has a track record of working in the Williamsport, PA region and is uniquely positioned to provide [...]

19 Jan 2014

Looking for the best Williamsport security team?

2024-01-15T14:40:02-05:00January 19th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , |

With Assets Protection, Inc. you get the one of the best security teams Williamsport has to offer, with a proven track record and experience in the Williamsport region. Assets Protection is the perfect blend of highly trained and qualified personnel combined with state of the art security technology, creating the best team to look after [...]

19 Jan 2014

Protect your Marcellus Shale investment

2024-01-15T14:40:02-05:00January 19th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , |

The Marcellus Shale region is going to be a hotbed of development in the coming years, and it’s important to make sure the facility that you paid for is safe and secure. That is where Assets Protection comes in. With a proven track record in the Williamsport region, and years of experience in the industrial [...]

23 Oct 2013

Fire protection services

2024-01-15T14:40:02-05:00October 23rd, 2013|Tags: , , , |

A fire is a tragedy that usually strikes when you least expect it. Most of the time it’s caused by carelessness. Outdated fire alarm and alert systems and untrained employees are often overlooked issues because it’s assumed that a fire is a rare occurrence. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Let Assets Protection, Inc. provide [...]