Headquarters 215.741.1200  |  New Jersey 609.479.9006  |  Harrisburg 717.776.7474  |  Baltimore 410.929.9299


23 Oct 2013

Investigative services

2024-01-15T14:40:02-05:00October 23rd, 2013|Tags: , , |

In today’s society there are dishonest and deceitful employees in just about every industry. Whether these employees steal money or products, use paid company time to conduct illegal activity, or manipulate some kind fraud, the reality is that they exist. Advanced security options now allow you to identify these people. At some point it becomes [...]

15 Aug 2013

Philadelphia investigative services

2024-01-15T14:40:03-05:00August 15th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |

Sometimes investigative services may be needed at your Philadelphia facility. Assets Protection, Inc. can conduct these services for you so you don’t have to worry.  We’ll provide investigative services to detect employee fraud, theft, drug possession, vandalism, and many other situations. Assets Protection will handle these situations with tact, but forcefully. Our investigative services, combined [...]

15 Aug 2013

Pennsylvania bank security

2024-01-15T14:40:03-05:00August 15th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Banks should be a safe place for customers to deposit and withdraw assets. As a bank officer, you obviously want to keep those clients and assets safe. Assets Protection, Inc. can help keep your bank safe using cutting edge security systems and expertly trained security guards. We can provide your Pennsylvania bank with Closed Circuit [...]